Tuesday, August 4, 2009

About me

About me

I am applying for a position as a primary school teacher in Zheng Hua primary school.

The subject which i am able to teach is math and science. My aspiration is to become a math and science teacher as i have alot of interest in math and science during my school years. Currently i am studying in Ngee Ann Poly pursuing a diploma in accountancy and i am intending to enter NIE to continue my studies to become a teacher. I love to interact with children and have patience in teaching them.

Two strengths which I possessed:
Firstly, I am able to adapt to different types of situation in handling with student as I had exposure to quite a number of different types of environment which allows me to gain many experiences. Secondly, I had a lot of patience in teaching children.

One weakness:
However one weakness in me is that, I didn’t get to working life as a teacher, as I had not being a tuition teacher or relief teacher before during my working life experiences. However I am willing to learn and do my best in being a teacher if I got the chance to.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Testimonial after graduated from my West Spring Secondary School

Koh si hui was admitted into West Spring Secondary School in 2004 and left the school upon completion of her GCE 'O' Level examination in 2007.

Academic Achievements:A determined and hardworking individual, Si hui is one who is meticulous about her work and sets very high standards in her daily assignments. She has a dexterous mind and is good at figures. Her interest in Mathematics is evident as she is selected to represent the school in the Mathematics Olympiad in 2005 and 2007. Her steadfast attitude towards learning has reaped sucessful results throughout her academic year in West Spring Secondary. She was a recipient of the Edusave Scholarship Award from 2004 to 2006.

Co-curricular activities:Si hui has been an active member of the school Display Band, holding the post of Clarinet Sectional Leader and Band Major. As an outstanding Band Major, she was instrumental in helping the school achieved a Silver Award in the Singapore Youth Festival Band Competition in 2006. She also participanted in numerous school and public peformances, such as, the Chingay Parade at Jurong and teh Brass Band Festival 5 in 2005. Si hui was also selected to represent the school in the Non-Commissioned Officer(NCO) Band Camp in 2006 to strengthen her music and leadership skills in leading the band. In recognition of her valuable contribution, she was given the Eagles Award in 2006.
With a strong desire to develop herself, Si hui participated in the Australia Exchange Programmes to Melbourne in 2006. In the same year, she was among the privileged group of pupils who attended the Outward Bound School for leadership training. In addition, she also attended a course on Advances Elective Module in 2007 on " Mobile Mapping" conducted by the Singapore Polytechnic's School of Built Environment.

Contribution to the school and community:A well disciplined and exeplary pupil, she held the position of Vice-Chairperson of her class in 2006 and displayed good leadership qualities. In th esame year, she made a trip to Sarawak to visit an orphanage that was run by the salvation army. Si hui is not only keen to do charitable work during flag days, she is also a considerate and thoughtful person who does not hesitate to help others.

Endorsement:Si hui has vast potential to be tapped. With her capabilities and determination in pursuit of excellence, she will definetely be an asset to any organisation.
Other remarks from my teachers
"Si Hui is a helpful girl, reliable in performing the task assigned to her. She participates actively in group and class discussion. An eager student. "
"Si hui aims high and work hard to maintain her results. Lively, teachable, and responsible, she is well liked by all. "
-by Miss Rebekah Yam Chin Pei, class teacher of primary 4S

" Si hui is a generous and helpful girl who is always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need assistance. She is very focused in her work and is always very positive to what is assigned to her." - by Miss Lai Ming Yoke, class teacher of secondary 2 A

"Si hui is a caring and reliable pupil who is well-liked by her classmates. She is a well- disciplined, trustworthy and responsible class vice chairperson and assistant band major."-by Miss Gan Siaw Fang, class teacher of secondary 3A

"Si hui displays good leadership qualities as a Vice Chairperson of the class. She is also the Band Major in her CCA and is a key player in helping the school to achieve a Silver Award in the 2006 SYF Band competition. She is able to produce consistent results even under pressure." -by Miss Gan Siaw Fang, class teacher of secondary 4A

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Other personal activities

Other personal activities

Werribee secondary college school exchange programme:

During my secondary school year, I had a chance to go for an oversea exchange program. That time, I was secondary three and we went to Melbourne Australia and had a school exchange program with Werribee college secondary school. That was really a memorable experience which I had. We were all allocated to an Australian buddy, and are to stay with them for the whole trip (1 week). That was my first time staying at a person’s house that I do not really know, and got learns to do many things independently. Luckily that my host during the trip, was very friendly, we got to know a lot of each other’s culture and stuffs. I also got to know how Australia school works like, how the students behaves there, how their teacher taught their student and many more things. The way their teacher taught, was very friendly and encouraging, as the teacher kept saying encouraging phrases, such as ‘beautiful’ , ‘excellent’ ,’marvelous’ etc to encourage us to do better. Which I thought, it was really sweet and nice of the teacher to do that. I believe that I am going to treat my students the way which the Australian teacher taught me. Using such encouraging words can really boost up the esteem of a student and make them enjoy your lesson.

This is the secondary college which we went to.

This is their school hall, it was much smaller as compared to the school hall in my secondary school.

We went to one of the museum over there.

Look at the guy's hair, their school dont catch student with long hair.

Thats me with my host, they were very friendly and nice to me.

Red camp:

I also participated as a red camp student leader last year. Red camp is a camp organized at Ngee Ann poly to let students whom just had their o level examinations, to get to know more about Ngee Ann poly. In this camp, I had the chance to interact with different students from different schools, sharing with them about my school, giving them some good advices and making friends with them.
here are some pictures,

Career highlights

My Career Highlights

I have quite a number of working experiences in different types of environment and places like shopping centers, wholesale centre, sport complex and restaurant etc.

Working at Isetan as a promoter:
The first job which I got after my O level examination is working as a wallet promoter at isetan Shaw house. My job is to promote for Braun buffel, Pierre Cardin and renoma wallet. In that job, I learnt many things about servicing and how to handle customer. It was a good experience as it allows me to expose to different types of customer and try to handle them. That was also the first time which I experience how working life is.

Working at Shokudo ( Japanese Restaurant) :
After working for 1 month at isetan, I decided to change to food and beverage line. Therefore I went to work at a Japanese restaurant named shokudo, it was located at the basement of raffles city shopping centre. In that restaurant, I was stationed at the front counter. Because the restaurant works by card system, whereby every customer will be issued with a dining card and they are suppose to order their food with the card and pay at the end of their meal ( similar to marche concept). Therefore I am stationed at the front counter to distribute card to customers and explain to them on the system of how the restaurant works. This work allows me to interact with customers, handle big crowd during peak hours and also learn new things and culture about Japan from my manager and some employees whom are Japanese.

These are some of the photos taken with my colleagues whom work at the same place as me.

I also took up some free and easy work (work how much, get how much, no restriction in working days).

Working at pasir pangjang wholesale center, working for the company name ban choon pte ltd. In the work, our job is to pack as many mushroom/ fruits as possible or label canned food in a day. In that job, I learnt to do things efficiently and plan things properly as we got to finish our work within the time given.

I work as a type of sport event management. The job scope is to help out in some sports event, by helping the runners to take their timing of their run etc. it was quite fun, as it is an exposure to another different kind of working environment.

Co-curricular activities

My Co-curricular activities

I am an active participant in co-curricular activities, I like to join CCAs and I believe that this could help us to release stress by doing something fun after a busy day.

Art club: Therefore in primary school, I joined art club during that time, drawing is an interest which I had in me as I am able express my imaginations and creativeness in a picture. This allows me to feel satisfied with myself after I had done a nice piece of art work.

Display Band:

While in secondary school, I decided to join something new and I joined the school display band. In the band, I played clarinet. I was the sectional leader of my clarinet section. During the second year in band, I was nominated as a band major in the band. I also participated in numerous school and public performances, such as, the Chingay Parade at Jurong and the Brass Band Festival 5 in 2005. With this position, it allows me to take part in many leadership camp such as outward bound School (OBS) and Non- Commissioned Officer (NCO) camp. These camps taught me a lot of leadership skills and I learnt how to interact and bond with people from other schools. With all this experience from camp, I lead my school’s display band with strength of 100 members for SYF display band competition in 2006. That was the second time which my band took part in SYF competition, and we won silver. I have a great experience leading the band and learning many skills and values along the way.
In recognition of my contribution to the school, i got the Eagles Award in 2006.

These picture is taken during the SYF competition.

Marching under the scorching hot sun.

This is during the band NCO camp, where we got to know band majors from different schools.

Dance sport club: Currently in Ngee Ann poly, my CCA is dance sport. I didn’t continue by joining band as my CCA because I would like to experience new things. I have been dancing in npds (Ngee Ann dance sport) for 1 year plus. In this CCA, we learnt many different types of Latin dances such as cha cha, rumba, jive, samba and Paso doble, taught by professional Latin dancers Melvin and Sharon whom won second in the dance floor competition. In this 1 year plus, I took part in SGDF( Singapore dance sport federation) competition and also participated in many performance in different places such as iguana golf club, takashimaya, in school open house etc.

These are the members of Ngee Ann Dancesport club.

The performance during CCA fiesta.

Performance at takashimaya.

Performance at Iguana golf club

All this experience allows me to learn many things such as the skills in dancing, perseverance, determination and confidence. As Latin dancing is a partner dance, we got to learn how to communicate with our partner well, learn how to solve conflicts between partners and improve on the dance.


My Education

Primary school: My primary school was Zheng Hua Primary school (1997 – 2003), I graduated with a PSLE result of 216.

Secondary school: My secondary school was West spring Secondary school (2004-2007), I graduated with an O level result of L1 R4 of 12 points and L1 R5 of 18 points.

These are my O level results:

English Language: B4
Combined Humanities: B3
Mathematics: A2
Additional Mathetics : B3
Physics: B 3
Chemistry: C5
Chinese: A2
Chinese (oral/ aural) : DIST

My CCA achievements :

Grade : A1

Poly : Currently I am in Ngee Ann Polytechnic studying accountancy, and I had obtained a GPA of 3 during last semester.