Sunday, August 2, 2009

Other personal activities

Other personal activities

Werribee secondary college school exchange programme:

During my secondary school year, I had a chance to go for an oversea exchange program. That time, I was secondary three and we went to Melbourne Australia and had a school exchange program with Werribee college secondary school. That was really a memorable experience which I had. We were all allocated to an Australian buddy, and are to stay with them for the whole trip (1 week). That was my first time staying at a person’s house that I do not really know, and got learns to do many things independently. Luckily that my host during the trip, was very friendly, we got to know a lot of each other’s culture and stuffs. I also got to know how Australia school works like, how the students behaves there, how their teacher taught their student and many more things. The way their teacher taught, was very friendly and encouraging, as the teacher kept saying encouraging phrases, such as ‘beautiful’ , ‘excellent’ ,’marvelous’ etc to encourage us to do better. Which I thought, it was really sweet and nice of the teacher to do that. I believe that I am going to treat my students the way which the Australian teacher taught me. Using such encouraging words can really boost up the esteem of a student and make them enjoy your lesson.

This is the secondary college which we went to.

This is their school hall, it was much smaller as compared to the school hall in my secondary school.

We went to one of the museum over there.

Look at the guy's hair, their school dont catch student with long hair.

Thats me with my host, they were very friendly and nice to me.

Red camp:

I also participated as a red camp student leader last year. Red camp is a camp organized at Ngee Ann poly to let students whom just had their o level examinations, to get to know more about Ngee Ann poly. In this camp, I had the chance to interact with different students from different schools, sharing with them about my school, giving them some good advices and making friends with them.
here are some pictures,

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