Sunday, August 2, 2009

Career highlights

My Career Highlights

I have quite a number of working experiences in different types of environment and places like shopping centers, wholesale centre, sport complex and restaurant etc.

Working at Isetan as a promoter:
The first job which I got after my O level examination is working as a wallet promoter at isetan Shaw house. My job is to promote for Braun buffel, Pierre Cardin and renoma wallet. In that job, I learnt many things about servicing and how to handle customer. It was a good experience as it allows me to expose to different types of customer and try to handle them. That was also the first time which I experience how working life is.

Working at Shokudo ( Japanese Restaurant) :
After working for 1 month at isetan, I decided to change to food and beverage line. Therefore I went to work at a Japanese restaurant named shokudo, it was located at the basement of raffles city shopping centre. In that restaurant, I was stationed at the front counter. Because the restaurant works by card system, whereby every customer will be issued with a dining card and they are suppose to order their food with the card and pay at the end of their meal ( similar to marche concept). Therefore I am stationed at the front counter to distribute card to customers and explain to them on the system of how the restaurant works. This work allows me to interact with customers, handle big crowd during peak hours and also learn new things and culture about Japan from my manager and some employees whom are Japanese.

These are some of the photos taken with my colleagues whom work at the same place as me.

I also took up some free and easy work (work how much, get how much, no restriction in working days).

Working at pasir pangjang wholesale center, working for the company name ban choon pte ltd. In the work, our job is to pack as many mushroom/ fruits as possible or label canned food in a day. In that job, I learnt to do things efficiently and plan things properly as we got to finish our work within the time given.

I work as a type of sport event management. The job scope is to help out in some sports event, by helping the runners to take their timing of their run etc. it was quite fun, as it is an exposure to another different kind of working environment.

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