Monday, August 3, 2009


Testimonial after graduated from my West Spring Secondary School

Koh si hui was admitted into West Spring Secondary School in 2004 and left the school upon completion of her GCE 'O' Level examination in 2007.

Academic Achievements:A determined and hardworking individual, Si hui is one who is meticulous about her work and sets very high standards in her daily assignments. She has a dexterous mind and is good at figures. Her interest in Mathematics is evident as she is selected to represent the school in the Mathematics Olympiad in 2005 and 2007. Her steadfast attitude towards learning has reaped sucessful results throughout her academic year in West Spring Secondary. She was a recipient of the Edusave Scholarship Award from 2004 to 2006.

Co-curricular activities:Si hui has been an active member of the school Display Band, holding the post of Clarinet Sectional Leader and Band Major. As an outstanding Band Major, she was instrumental in helping the school achieved a Silver Award in the Singapore Youth Festival Band Competition in 2006. She also participanted in numerous school and public peformances, such as, the Chingay Parade at Jurong and teh Brass Band Festival 5 in 2005. Si hui was also selected to represent the school in the Non-Commissioned Officer(NCO) Band Camp in 2006 to strengthen her music and leadership skills in leading the band. In recognition of her valuable contribution, she was given the Eagles Award in 2006.
With a strong desire to develop herself, Si hui participated in the Australia Exchange Programmes to Melbourne in 2006. In the same year, she was among the privileged group of pupils who attended the Outward Bound School for leadership training. In addition, she also attended a course on Advances Elective Module in 2007 on " Mobile Mapping" conducted by the Singapore Polytechnic's School of Built Environment.

Contribution to the school and community:A well disciplined and exeplary pupil, she held the position of Vice-Chairperson of her class in 2006 and displayed good leadership qualities. In th esame year, she made a trip to Sarawak to visit an orphanage that was run by the salvation army. Si hui is not only keen to do charitable work during flag days, she is also a considerate and thoughtful person who does not hesitate to help others.

Endorsement:Si hui has vast potential to be tapped. With her capabilities and determination in pursuit of excellence, she will definetely be an asset to any organisation.
Other remarks from my teachers
"Si Hui is a helpful girl, reliable in performing the task assigned to her. She participates actively in group and class discussion. An eager student. "
"Si hui aims high and work hard to maintain her results. Lively, teachable, and responsible, she is well liked by all. "
-by Miss Rebekah Yam Chin Pei, class teacher of primary 4S

" Si hui is a generous and helpful girl who is always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need assistance. She is very focused in her work and is always very positive to what is assigned to her." - by Miss Lai Ming Yoke, class teacher of secondary 2 A

"Si hui is a caring and reliable pupil who is well-liked by her classmates. She is a well- disciplined, trustworthy and responsible class vice chairperson and assistant band major."-by Miss Gan Siaw Fang, class teacher of secondary 3A

"Si hui displays good leadership qualities as a Vice Chairperson of the class. She is also the Band Major in her CCA and is a key player in helping the school to achieve a Silver Award in the 2006 SYF Band competition. She is able to produce consistent results even under pressure." -by Miss Gan Siaw Fang, class teacher of secondary 4A

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